Thursday, November 7, 2019

Week 5 Tools And Decision Making Example

Week 5 Tools And Decision Making Example Week 5 Tools And Decision Making – Coursework Example Running head: week 5 tools and decision making 14th February In any organization disruption ofwork flow may occur due to system failures or workers disrupting the system. Management information system (MIS) is commonly used tool in the organizations that want decision making to be effective. The role of management information system is to support decision support system (DSS), which are based on computer programs and they are capable of analyzing organization data and present it in a systematic manner.Decision making is an integral part in any firm since a lot of operations will be carried and stakeholders must be involved in decision making (Al-Zhrani 2010). Team work is essential and before implementing management information system, all the stakeholders must be involved fully since they must be guided on how the system will be working. Management information system can be the most preferred tool in GHI since the system will reduce the time wasted since there must be a system admin istrator to control the system. The system can be programmed to suit the organization needs. Since GHI organization wants an electronic system, the best system to use is management information system since the staffs can access the system which is based on the decision support system. The security measures that are only within the organization will make it more complex from the hackers who can interfere with organization. One of the challenges is that the system need increased monitoring to avoid the system to fail and the GHI will require delegating duties to the managers to keep on monitoring the system. Lastly, the system must need professional personnel who are able to run MIS and still make decision, GHI will have either to outsource or employee one who have the capability of running MIS and making decision process.Tool What kind of information will each tool provide?Under what conditions is the tool most applicable?Management information system (MIS)Provides decision support s ystem.When work flow is not normal or when time is wasted trying to update the system. Transaction processing system(TPS)Tactical decisionsApplicable when carrying transactions only. How did you determine which tool is most appropriate?Since organization depends on the decision and a system that is electronic.What are the most appropriate tools for responding to this scenario?-Transaction processing system(TPS)-expert system (ES).ReferencesAl-Zhrani, S. (2010). Management Information Systems Role In Decision-Making During Crises. New York: Prentice Hall.

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